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Great spirits have always encountered
violent opposition from mediocre minds

-- Albert Einstein
When I die, I'd like to go peacefully.
In my sleep.
Like my grandfather.
Not screaming,
like the passengers in his car...

-- anonymous

Wisdom of the Net

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oLatest and greatest attractionso
Almost all respectable noble homes should have their ghosts. Roman's WEB Virtual Castle was in a great need of one or two. To the rescue came Ms. Malgorzata Mazurek (an associate from Poland) finding for your viewing pleasure two great Ghosts in the Great Poland. RWP is very greatful for her discoveries :) The spirits obsessed us, so we put quickly an English version of their stories. Be warned: It's scary up there!
- WEBognition(Copyright © 1995, 1996 Roman's WEB Place) -- This Site Awards & Recognitions
- Roman's Java-Land - a Java adventure
- World Cookbook - add your own recipes or see the best of culinary art
- Andrew Lloyd Webber's Barter - buy/sell/comment
- Arthur's Photo Collection - Cute and Witty

Main Event:
Odin ODINs Sighting of Today selection (August 21, 1995) -- Thanks Frode :)

The first ever home pages shared across Pacific and Atlantic!
The result of a collaborative project with Margaret Netherwood in Melbourne, Australia, Mariusz Markiewicz in Poznan, Poland and Zbigniew Zwolinski also in Poznan, Poland /Way to go Margaret, Mariusz and Zbigniew :)/ Polish Homepages will inform you about Poland and entertain you. Have a look. If you have a contribution to make, you are welcome to join us! Note: If you decide to see here only one page that's the one. Fair Warning: You may force yourself to see more than one page there.


Roman's WEB Place is proud to carry Internet Exclusive Memberships

Try the New Cool 'a la Carte additions (you need a Netscape 3.0+ or Explorer 3.0+ to enjoy it; Sorry Lynx-ers *grin*) --

Roman's Bio -- executive overview

Born in Bydgoszcz, - Poland on June 15, 1956 Mother: Agnes Muszynska, Father: Jerzy Muszynski

Married to wonderful Maltese wife, Miriam. Have one son Arthur Patrick (9 years old), i.e., done with terrible twos, awful threes, horrible fours, fives, sixes, sevens and eights (come back sweet terrible twos please) and one daughter Alexandra Nicole (5 years old)
Spent ('till age 25) a lot of time in schools all over the world. Try to work as a software developer. Live in League City, TEXAS the suburb of Houston


-Computer Games
-Performing Arts

If this did not bore you yet, go and see Roman's Extended Bio or download his Resume in MS Word format.


-Roman's WEB Joke-of-the-Week
-Though Christmas is over, we can still enjoy fond memories it brought: 12 Days of Christmas -- Must see! (Adults Only)!
-Games/Fun Roman's WEB addressing the Kid in you in: Online Fun and Games Overdose
-Search Roman's WEB intro to the Best of the Search Engines on the WEB: Lost in the Web-land
-Games/Fun Roman's WEB showing the the Best of Children related Links: Kid-O-Links on the WWW
-This is the population of the world at the time you accessed this page:
-I wish I wrote that :) An eastern european view on American Lifestyle
-Alex Wagner's Brige Page -- From my Cyber-Buddy, a top bridge player. If you like bridge, like me, and have sense of humor this page is definitely for you.
-Send me a postcard, drop me a line...
-Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus:

The Net Works
If you have Netscape 2.0 or better you can see Roman's WEB Place collection of Internet Links, utilizing frames technology ...otherwise you can always see our collection of Internet Links in traditional boring :( format
Tell us what you think about Roman's WEB Place, what would you like to see in the future or whatever in Roman's WEB Place Enhanced E-mail

Shortcuts to Sub-Pages
[Andrew Lloyd Webber a la Carte'] [Andrew Lloyd Webber's Barter] [Arthur Patrick] [Arthur's Photo Collection]
[Beatles a la Carte'] [Chopin a la Carte'] [Internet] [Joke-of-the-Week]
[Kid-O-Links on the WWW] ['Links for all'] [Lost in the WEB-land] [Miriam's WEB Corner]
[Online Fun and Games] [Polish Eagle] [Polish Homepages] [Rock-and-Roll a la Carte']
[Roman's Bio] [Roman's Father: Jerzy] [Roman's Internet Links] [Roman's Java-Land]
[Roman's Mother: Agnes] [Roman's WEB Link Collection (Netscape 2.0+) [Roman's WEB Place Enhanced E-mail] [Roman's WEB Place Exclusive Memberships]
[WEBognition] [World Cookbook] . .

For making me wealthy contact me at home: (281)-554-7111
E-mail: intellibit@intellibit.com

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02052 hits since Current local time: Fri Apr 26 08:49:15 2024 EDT
Last modified: Tue May 20 23:22:24 2003 EDT


Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Roman's WEB Place.
No free electrons were harmed while designing this site! Shut-up protons...