Polish Cookbook


Babka Marmurkowa



Preheat oven to 350°. Whip eggs with sugar until pale and fluffy, add melted butter, whip more. Add milk, half rum flavoring, coffee. Mix well, add flour, baking powder and mix on high until fluffy. Into buttered and floured bundt form place half of the batter. Add cocoa and the rest of the rum to the second half of butter, mix well. Pour over first half of batter, swirl a knife through both batters once. The dark batter is heavier and will fall during baking. Bake for 50-60 min, test cake with wooden skewer. Instead of bunt form, you can use bread loaves forms or large cup cakes. Decrease baking time with size. Serve with butter, or ice cream, or by itself. Microwave cold cake slices 15 sec. for that freshly baked taste.

Submitted by: Magda Dukelan -- thank you Magda :)




Rinse sauerkraut once, place in large pot, cover with water, bring to boil. Lower the heat and let simmer, covered. Cut up sausage and bacon into small sizes. Fry bacon pieces until all fat is rendered, add sausage, fry on low till browned lightly. Drain fat, add rest to sauerkraut. Cover mushrooms with boiling water for 20 min. Remove mushrooms from water, and chop finely. Add mushroom water and mushrooms to sauerkraut. Add raisins. Do not add sugar yet, as it can cause burning. Simmer all, covered, for at least 2 hours. Stir well every 15-20 min, to prevent sticking. Add water as necessary, to keep sauerkraut almost covered. Remove from heat, cool, then freeze. Repeat this process as many times as possible, up to 2 weeks. The last time, before serving, leave the bigos uncovered, and reduce juices to 1/2 inch from the bottom. Add sugar to taste, about 2 tablespoons. Stir often, as bigos has an uncanny tendency to burn. If it burns, discard. There¹s nothing that can save burned bigos.

Submitted by: Magda Dukelan -- thank you Magda :)

Christmas Eve Barszcz (Barszcz Wigilijny)



Cut up all vegetables except beets and mushrooms, which go in whole. Let simmer with bay leaf and peppercorns in 3 to 4 cups salted water for about an hour. Strain vegetables if desired, or serve in soup. In the latter case, cut mushrooms into strips and slice beets matchstick-thin. Return to pot. Combine stock with pickled beet liquid, and thicken with paste made of flour and butter, stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Serve with Mushroom Pockets. Serves 6

Copyright © Marja Ochorowicz-Monatowa

Chicken with optional Stuffing, Cranberries, Glazed Carrots and Gravy



Cranberries (optional):

Stuffing (optional):

Glazed carrots (optional):

Gravy (optional):


Cranberries: Place all in a saucepan, covered and bring to boil. Simmer 10 min., cool.

Chicken with stuffing: Preheat oven to 400°.

Mix stuffing ingredients, fill the cavity. The cavity can stay open, or can even be overstuffed. Place the chicken on a rack, breast side up, in a roasting pan. Mix wine with melted butter and soak the cheesecloth in it. Place cheesecloth over the chicken, open partially between the layers and spread the chopped herbs, salt and pepper. pat down the cheesecloth to conform to chicken shape. Cover and bake for 40 min. Lower the heat to 350°, uncover, bake another 20 min. Remove and discard the cheesecloth, bake 15-20 min. longer until browned.

While the chicken is roasting, boil the potatoes in skins. When boiled, cut them in half or quarters, sprinkle some salt and lots of fresh chopped dill. Serve very hot.

Glazed carrots: In small saucepan, steam carrots in an inch of water, covered, for 5 min. Melt butter and sugar in a skillet until honey colored, add drained carrots, swoosh around in the skillet to cover all carrots in glaze.

Remove chicken from oven and let stand for 5-10 min. Remove the stuffing to a bowl. Make gravy from drippings.

Gravy: Remove as much fat as possible from pan drippings. Make rué, add broth, whisking constantly. Add pan drippings, soy sauce, maggi, pepper, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until reduced to 1-1/2 cups.

Serve chicken with gravy, potatoes, stuffing, glazed carrots and cranberries. Or go light, serve the chicken and stuffing with bread or rice, and green salad.

Submitted by: Magda Dukelan -- thank you Magda :)

Kapusta z grochem



Groch moczyc przez noc, po czym ugotowac w tej samej wodzie, dodajac majeranek, sol i pieprz. Umyte i namoczone poprzedniego wieczora grzyby ugotowac (tez w tej samej wodzie, w ktorej sie moczyly), odcedzic. Kapuste drobno posiekac, zalac wywarem z grzybow, wlozyc pokrojone grzyby i ugotowac. Pokrojona w kostke cebule podsmazyc na oleju, dodac do kapusty, polaczyc z grochem i jeszcze chwile razem gotowac.

Submitted by: Zbigniew Zwolinski -- Dziekuje Zbigniew :)

Kotlety z mielonych kartofli z sosem grzybowym





Cutlets: Mix all and form oval cutlets, 3" wide x 5" long, 1/2" thick. Bread them in breadcrumbs, fry in small amount of oil, covered on slow heat, until lightly browned on both sides.

Mushroom sauce: Sauté mushrooms in olive oil, add broth, seasonings. Mix flour with water and sourcream, add some sauce to dilute, combine all in saucepan, simmer 10 min. Serve sauce over potato cutlets, sprinkle fresh herbs on top. (Dill)

Submitted by: Magda Dukelan -- thank you Magda :)




Masa makowa:


Ciasto: Drozdze rozpuscic w letnim mleku, dodac polowe cukru, dwa jaja, polowe maki, esencje pomaranczowa i dokladnie wyrobic. Dodac polowe miekkiego masla, wszystko razem zagniesc, przykryc sciereczka i odstawic w cieple miejsce na godzine. Pozostale maslo, cukier, jajo, make i cukier waniliowy dokladnie wyrobic. Obydwa ciasta polaczyc i zagniesc jednolite, gladkie ciasto. Odstawic je w cieple miejsce na godzine.

Masa makowa: Oplukany, odsaczony i osuszony mak wymieszac z cukrem i trzykrotnie zemlec w maszynce. Dodac maslo, zoltka, make, esencje migdalowa i dokladnie wymieszac. bialko ubic na sztywna piane, dodac do maku i delikatnie wymieszac.

Ciasto podzielic na 4 czesci. Rozwalkowac je na prostokaty. Na placki wylozyc mase makowa. Mase rozsmarowac na calej powierzchni plackow i zwinac strucle. Odstawic na pol godziny w cieple miejsce. Wierzchy strucli posmarowac rozmaconym jajem i piec w piekarniku nagrzanym do 180 stopni C okolo godziny.

Submitted by: Zbigniew Zwolinski -- Dziekuje Zbigniew :)

Pasta with fresh vegetables



Set your pasta pot with water and bring to boil. Chop all ingredients and have them ready. Set the table, open the wine, place parmesan in a nice bowl, get the pasta tossing bowl ready. Sauté thinly sliced onion in olive oil in a large skillet until golden.

Place pasta in boiling water, and boil for 2-3 min, until almost done, but not quite. Pasta will continue to cook from its own heat. Drain.

To the skillet with onions, add sliced garlic, pepper, and bok choy. Stir fry vegetables until the skillet is very hot, 2 min., pour the water and quickly cover. Let steam on high for 1 minute. Toss pasta with vegetables, serve with grated parmesan and freshly ground pepper. Red wine.

Submitted by: Magda Dukelan -- thank you Magda :)

Ryba w galarecie



Rybe oczyscic, umyc, pokroic na dzwonka. Cebule pokroic w plastry, seler i pietruszke - w slupki. Do rondla wlozyc warzywa, zalac szescioma szklankami wody i chwile gotowac. Nastepnie ulozyc promieniscie dzwonka ryby. Posypac sola i cukrem, doprowadzic do wrzenia i na bardzo wolnym ogniu gotowac godzine pod przykryciem. Dodac pieprz, zelatyne namoczona w zimnej, przegotowanej wodzie, rodzynki i jeszcze raz krotko podgotowac, potem ostudzic. Wstawic do lodowki. Rybe mozna podac na polmisku. Przybrac natka, podawac z majonezem lub sosem tatarskim oraz bialym pieczywem.

Submitted by: Zbigniew Zwolinski -- Dziekuje Zbigniew :)

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